The Grove Church Building Expansion
The Grove Church is building a new auditorium and lobby to make room for more people to join our family! It’s a dream we’ve been dreaming for 10 years while we’ve been working with architects, realtors, legal counsel, and the City of Marysville. In fact, it was 10 years ago that our architects told us we would need to build something or outgrow our facility, when we were averaging 650 in Sunday attendance.
Since then, we grew to average over 1 ,200 in person each Sunday across 4 gatherings. We remodeled our North Wing into a dedicated kids wing, and demolished our old kids wing in preparation for a new auditorium in that space.
We’ve stepped out in faith and officially started Phase One on August 7, 2023. Phase One includes the new auditorium, updating some roof facades/siding, and all parking/landscaping, with a grand opening date of mid-November 2024.
We are waiting on Phase Two, praying for miracles and encouraging everybody who calls The Grove Church home to join the Legacy Campaign and make a pledge! Phase Two will include the lobby and remaining facades, and the sooner we begin the more we can save on materials and work when the weather is best.
While we continue to pray and plan to make a difference in our communities for Christ’s kingdom, we have multiple phrases in our Code that help paint a picture of making room for those who have yet to cross the line of faith:
- We give up things we love for things we love even more. The church does not exist for us. We are the church and we exist for the world.
- We will lead the way with irrational generosity. We believe it is more blessed to give than to receive.
- We will do anything short of sin to reach people who don’t know Christ.
- We will admit we don’t know everything. We will take risks, try new things, pray hard, and learn as we go.
Because of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19 “Go make disciples…”) and the high value we place on outreach, it makes sense to create space for others. Here’s how we see our space being used as a light:
1. Gathering Space
- Auditorium (More formal gathering space)
- Sunday Main Gatherings
- Option to add weekday gatherings
- GroveMen, GroveWomen, Luncheons, Auctions, etc.
- As GroveYouth grows, Wednesday night gatherings
- Lobby (more casual gathering space)
- Young Adults gatherings twice a month
- Reception space (Post weddings/funerals)
- Possible midweek gathering space
2. Training and Discipleship
- Accredited Internship Classrooms (Northwest University)
- Discipleship environments (Sundays and weekdays)
- Musician development (Lessons, recordings, rehearsals)
- Leadership Training (Team leaders/members)
3. Community Partnerships/Use Agreements
- Current partnerships with Marysville Police, Marysville Fire, Marysville Community Food Bank, Chick-Fil-A, and Salvation Army could be expanded
New partnerships with various service organizations throughout Snohomish County - Continued and expanded partnership with City of Marysville as an Emergency Management Space (Think Red Cross/FEMA space) with beds, meal prep and service, etc. in any emergency situation
4. Miscellaneous
- Co-work spaces with free wifi
- Coffee shop
- Conference room availability
- Almost endless possibilities to build/expand partnerships
- Conferences: Womens, Mens, Youth, Kids
The Cost To Build
- To date Phase One is fully funded at $9.4M through savings, a general fund transfer, a mortgage, and the Legacy Campaign to date ($1.5M).
- Funding for Phase Two ($4M+) is happening now. We can look to extend our mortgage responsibly and look at our General Fund for additional monies as well. However, the key driver for Phase Two will be the ongoing Legacy Campaign.
How It’s Possible
The cost for Phase Two is $4M. While we would consider extending the total mortgage amount, our goal is to raise $2.5 to $3M to break ground.
- One of the simplest ways to look at the total amount, so it’s not overwhelming, goes like this: If we average 1 ,OOO adults, and every adult gives $3,000 to Legacy over the next 18 months, we’d reach our goal. It really is that easy! We know that some can do more, some may do less, but this really does put the goal into perspective. It’s amazing how we can reach our goal together!
Throughout the Bible, sacrifice and generosity are hallmarks of God’s people. As we walk sacrificially, we truly believe God will show Himself faithful to each of us and bless us in ways we may never experience, except through sacrificial giving. It’s our passion to see every person who calls Grove Church their home participate in this miracle for the generations to come.
Aside from monetary donations, there are other ways to give. Here’s a brief list:
• Appreciated Securities: You may have appreciated securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.)
in your financial portfolio. You can transfer them to the Grove Church and avoid paying the
capital gains tax on those assets and may also receive a write-off on your taxes. The church as a
501c3 non-profit benefits by receiving the full amount of the gift without paying capital gains
tax. This can be a real win-win-win: (1) for you, (2) for the church, and (3) for the community!
• Estate Planning/Legacy Donation: If you’re looking for a perfect way to leave a legacy and have
a Christ-centered impact in your community, you can list the Grove Church as a beneficiary in
your will, retirement plans, life insurance, or investment accounts. Putting the Grove Church as
a beneficiary may help reduce your estate value and therefore, alleviate potential estate tax
burdens you may have to deal with depending upon your net worth.
• Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs): If you are over age 72 with money in retirement
accounts, you may be required to begin taking money out of those accounts each year. One
way to potentially lower your tax bill and fulfill your donation goals is to utilize a Qualified
Charitable Distribution (QCD). A QCD allows you to send your RMD directly to the Church
allowing for a possible tax deduction and avoidance of paying ordinary income tax on the
distribution. Consult with your financial advisor and tax professional.
• Various Assets: Did you know the Grove Church can receive vehicles, real estate, jewelry, and
other valuables? Once we receive the gift a receipt is given to you for tax purposes for the real
value of the donation.
To recap briefly, if you (1) have appreciated securities, (2) Required Minimum Distributions
(RMDs), (3) including the Grove as part of your Estate Planning and/or (4) have valuable assets
that could be donated…and want to make a Christ-centered impact with your resources, the
Grove Church has the ability to help!
For more information about these options, consult with your Tax Professional, Financial Advisor, or contact the Grove Church.
Pray with us!
- Pray about your part in the Legacy Campaign as it takes all of us.
- Pray for miracles, unity, a wave of momentum to reach our communities, and this entire journey to be covered by the Holy Spirit.
- Reach those we care about with the message of God’s love in Christ.
Fill out the pledge card!
You can fill out your pledge card Online or In-Person now by clicking the button and filling out the form. Thank you for joining with us as we embrace our future!